Kulkas LG Side by Side Door in Door GC-J237JSXN
Merk: LG
Tipe: Kulkas LG Side by Side
– Non Plumbing Ice and Water Dispenser
– Inverter Linear Compressor
– Hygiene Fresh
– Vacuum Fresh
– Sliding Drawer
*Anda bisa langsung membeli dan memesan barang elektronik murah berkualitas Kulkas LG Side by Side Door in Door GC-J237JSXN ini di toko elektronik online Jakarta, Toko Lucky Elektronik.
Rp 17.900.000
Toko Elektronik Murah – Mencari barang elektronik murah berkualitas dengan harga yang lebih murah dan bervariatif bisa Anda dapatkan di toko elektronik online Jakarta, Toko Lucky Elektronik. Barang elektronik kulkas atau lemari es yang bisa Anda pilih adalah Kulkas LG Side by Side Door in Door GC-J237JSXN.
Inverter Linear Compressor = Energy Saving up to 32% and Less Noise up to 25%
Compressor is heart of refrigerator and determines how food is kept fresh effectively and economically. And the Inverter Linear Compressor in Water Purifying Refrigerator, is a heart powered by innovation. So, although unseen on the outside, the following are the big plus factors of a fridge with the Inverter Linear Compressor:
1) Energy Saving*: LG’s Inverter Linear Compressor efficiently controls cooling power and reduces internal friction as it evolved from reciprocal drive to piston drive- meaning optimal efficiency and significant energy savings up to 32%.
2) Less Noise*: Another plus of this compressor is that efficient use of energy is linked to reducing noise level down. When tested, results showed that it generated 25% less noise than same capacity fridges.
3) Longer Freshness: The compressor continuously adjusts its cooling power to maintain optimal temperature to keeps the food fresh under any temperature changes from outside.
4) Durability**: You can have peace of mind with LG’s Inverter Linear Compressor that guarantees 10 year warranty. Now, LG also assures high-class durability based on the result of ‘accelerated 20-year lifespan test’ by VDE. The VDE is the association for electrical, electronic and information technologies and their related sciences, technologies and applications.
* Disclaimer : Compared to the refrigerator with LG conventional reciprocating compressor
Based on VDE testing comparing energy consumption and noise level between LGE model GBB530NSCXE and GBB530NSQWB.
** Disclaimer : The testing was conducted according to LG’s internal accelerated 20 year life-test protocol.
Results based in laboratory tests considering accelerated and proper use conditions. The estimated life span does not constitute any kind of warranty whatsoever.
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